We believe that all aspects of learning in a young child’s experience will be best taught within a loving environment that honours PLAY! Daily teacher-initiated activities will provide a basis of learning for new skills and then a period of free-play will allow children the opportunity to develop and better understand these skills at their own ability level. Although free-play should follow the interest of the child, it will be well-supervised, observed and teacher-guided when needed to support the child’s individual development.
Health and Safety:
Ratios are maintained
Direct supervision
Daily cleaning and sanitizing
Quickly completed repairs and maintenance
Staff access to allergy information
Daily outdoor time
Caring Instruction
Staff are at child’s level
Activities are adapted for various ages and development levels
Communication between parents and staff
Staff communicate in age appropriate language to children
Show genuine interest in child’s experiences
Well-Prepared Environment
Staff have weekly planning time
Daily routine includes pre-planned activities
Interest-based learning centres changed monthly